As her personal story of her journey throughout America’s farming communities, Anderson studies and reports on efforts to adapt our current food production to more sustainable, climate friendly, and healthy practices. This year, they chose Stephanie Anderson’s One Size Fits None: A Farm Girl's Search for the Promise of Regenerative Agriculture. They create a spread sheet of possible books, share ideas and, after much deliberation, agree on, what they feel will be, the next transformative book for freshmen. With a committee made up of faculty, staff and students, the Summer Reading Program group meets and reads a variety of text shortly after the beginning of the each academic year.

When they first proposed the workshop, little did they know that, at the same time, the Summer Reading Committee, celebrating its 37 th year at Miami, was engaged in an ongoing reading marathon to choose the book shared among all incoming freshman as part of our common experience. The Institute for Food is an interdisciplinary, hands on approach that provides them with multiple and meaningful ways to work toward a more sustainable future,” explained Dr. “We know that this generation of students wants to engage with community and enact principles and of environmental sustainability. Drs Shaffer and Levy knew they wanted to invite students to begin exploring all the interdisciplinary opportunities of Miami’s Institute for Food the one-day workshop is the perfect vehicle. Together, they designed a one-day workshop for the Miami Bound first-year student program. Peggy Shaffer and Jonathan Levy, will share the award. This year, we are especially excited to announce that Drs. Each year, the Office of Liberal Education, awards our “Outstanding Interdisciplinary Perspective in Teaching” award to a faculty member engaged in bringing together several areas of research and teaching.